Downloadable version: Parent to Parent 2022
Support is provided by putting parents in contact with volunteer Support Parents with a similar personal experience, including national or international matches for rare conditions. We also provide written information on more than 3600 different conditions, seminars and training workshops, sibling support programmes and Advocacy.
Northlands Coffee group offers support for parents needing face to face support, held monthly.
Parent to Parent New Zealand delivers a programme, which supports the specific needs of siblings who have brothers and sisters with special needs. The aim of Parent to Parent’s SibSupportN.Z. programme is to provide children with an experience that will assist them to cope with the challenges and stresses of living with a brother or sister who has a disability. Siblings develop their own support network, through sharing and making friends with others who understand.
Altogether Autism Is a service provided through Parent to Parent and is for people with ASD, their families,whanau and the wider NZ community. We have a team of advisors and volunteer support parents who provide information and advice. We also provide evidence based information and clinical advice through a clinical psychologist and team of experts and maintains a database of service providers to help you link with services and information.
Prism – Professional development series Is Autism Spectrum training for professionals that is tailored to suit the organisation or professional with specialised topics and is presented by trained facilitators who have a high depth of knowledge of ASD and associated issues.