Downloadable information sheet: Epilepsy Northland 2022 version
In Northland, we offer the following services:
- Information and support; both for people living with epilepsy and their families or whanau.
- Face to face visits throughout Northland and ongoing phone support from our local Educator
- Personal appointments to assist a person and their family to understand and manage their epilepsy. This includes lifestyle management and strategies to help gain seizure control and build confidence.
- Facilitation of peer support throughout Northland to enable people to meet others living with epilepsy. The Whangarei support group meets the first Tuesday of the month in the Brenda Gardner Lounge, Citizens Advice Bureau, 71 Bank Street, Whangarei
- Representation for people living with epilepsy to health services, schools, employers and community agencies.
- Agents for the nation-wide Total Mobility Scheme which entitles people to subsidised taxi fares within the Whangarei city boundary.
- Seminars on epilepsy are available for health and education professionals, students, community agencies, clubs, workplaces, care facilities and government departments etc.
- Community awareness is promoted through participation at community and health based expos throughout Northland.
Information can be obtained from brochures, information sheets and our website: