NorthAble Disability Services


Downloadable version: NorthAble 2022

DIAS NorthAble is ‘Your First Stop’ for Disability Information and Service.  Our aim is to link you to information and services that can support and empower you.

NASC is for people aged 0 to 65 years who have an intellectual, physical, or sensory disability, or a combination of these, where the disability is likely to continue for a minimum of six months and result in a reduction of independent functioning.  Upon receiving a referral, NASC will determine eligibility for MoH funded support services, undertake an assessment, identify strengths and support needs.  A Service Coordinator then works with the person/whanau to explore how individual needs can be met within the services available.  NASC can also provide information on Individualised Funding and Family Funded Care.

LYNKZ is a Community Participation programme incorporating Vocational Support providing life skills such as cooking and social activities. LYNKZ is for people living with a physical, intellectual or sensory disability who are 16-64yrs of age.  The Whangarei programme is funded by the MSD.

VHN is an individual vocational and community participation service for people 16 – 64yrs with Very High Needs, as assessed by the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS).

Equipment Plus (EQ+) Shop & Outlets: EQ+ are Northland Suppliers of Senior & Disability Aids & Equipment and offer a wide product range from our shop on the cnr John & Dent Streets, Whangarei (accessible car parking).  Outlets are also in Kaitaia at the Far North Pharmacy and in Maungaturoto Unichem Orrs Pharmacy. Feel free to phone us on 09 430 3469 or shop online at

Mobile Service: Our mobile van services rural Northland on a regular schedule providing disability information and selling a wide range of disability equipment and aids for daily living.  Home demonstration of equipment easily arranged. Ring 09 430 3469 or visit for the timetable.

 Navigation Services

NorthAble’s ENCompass navigation service is a short term, outcomes focused intervention that can help to identify and overcome barriers that are holding you back.  We can work across issue or sector by providing a dedicated navigator to you, based on your own personal situation.

Our key aims are to enable individuals and their family/whãnau to create a positive future for themselves. ENCompass facilitates interventions and support around opportunities for self-determination for families to build and maintain resilience.

Find out more about the history of navigation in Northland, what navigation is, and how to make a referral on our website by clicking here.


NorthAble Matapuna Hauora: 40 John St, Whangarei, 0110

LYNKZ Community Participation Program: 40 John Street, Whangarei, 0110

NorthAble Equipment Plus: 73 John St, Whangarei, 0110


NorthAble Matapuna Hauora – Main Office

Phone: 09 430 0988
Freephone: 0508 637 200


Website: Click here to be taken to the NorthAble Matapuna website

Like and follow our NorthAble Matapuna Hauora Facebook Page.

 LYNKZ Community Participation Program

Phone: 09 430 3470
Freephone: 0508 637 200


Website: Click here to be taken to the NorthAble Matapuna website

Like and follow our LYNKZ Facebook Page.

Equipment Plus Shop & Mobile Van Service
73 John Street (Corner John and Dent Streets)
Whangarei 0110
Ph:  09 430 3469


Online shop:

Like and follow our NorthAble Equipment Plus Facebook Page.

 NorthAble Equipment Plus Equipment also stocked in partnership with:
Far North Pharmacy
53 Commerce Street

Unichem Orrs Maungaturoto Pharmacy – 144 Hurndall Street West, Maungaturoto 0520