Wait drives disabled to media

Read one of the recent articles on the 60 metre trek from the disabled car parks to the main entrance.

Tiaho invites people to post their views.

The DSRG has been grappling with this issue, a year down the track and the track is still to far…

We believe that as the Whangarei Aquatic Centre is funded with public money, this facility should be able to be used by everyone in the community.  Sure mistakes can be made but this has obviously dragged on for a significant period of time.

We reckon that the disabled car park should be given high priority and sorted so that people with disabilities can enjoy these facilities.

We want people to use this website to express their opinions and experiences of the Whangarei Aquatic Centre and we will make sure that the Disability Sector Reference Group receives this information to lobby Sport Northland to make appropriate changes.

View article and video interview with Vanassa McGoldrick, Chairperson of the Disability Sector Reference Group about the Aquatic Centre.  (Filmed in early November 2006)

Published 17/12/2007