Individualised Funding is now available in Northland.
After years of waiting, disabled people now have the option of applying for Individualised Funding through the NASC agency to see if this is an appropriate option for them.
Manawanui In Charge (MIC), the Ministry’s contracted Individualised Funding agent, have recently met with Northable in Whangarei to provide training and information around supporting people who may be interested in applying for Individualised Funding. The rollout of individualised funding is still part of a ‘pilot’ project started in 2006 through Manawanui InCharge.
If any person is interested in Individualised Funding they should contact their local NASC about this option.
The following are the eligibility criteria set through the Ministry of Health, which needs to be met before any referrals are made to Manawanui-In-Charge.
- An applicant must meet the definition of “younger disabled people with complex needs under the age of 65”
- An applicant must not be DHB-funded
- An applicant 50-55 years of age must not be assessed as close in interest to a person 65 and over
- An applicant must not be in need of residential care.
- An applicant must not have Mental Health support needs.
- An applicant’s support needs must have been stable over the past 6-12 months (OR if not, approval must be given by the MoH).
- An applicant’s total package of support costs must be $55,000 or less per year (OR again, if not, approval must be given by the MoH).
Individualised funding at present covers personal care and home management support hours only.
Having assessed the eligibility criteria the NASC agency will send through an application to MIC. Once an application has been approved through the Ministry of Health, MIC will ensure a Coach contacts the person, family/Whanau to go over what is required to set up individualised funding.
The coaches’ initial visit is to provide an overview to the family ensuring they understand what their responsibilities are and to provide a support plan around setting up their own support requirements. This process can take some time to set up, with the coach being available to provide the necessary support and information through each step of the way.
Should you want to find out more about this individualised funding ‘option’ please contact Manawanui InCharge :
0508 462 427 (free phone) and ask for Rob Creagh or Sandra Macaulay
Email us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
or check out the website.