Getting Out There Making the Most of Living Expo

Coming up in August is the Getting Out There – Making the Most of Living Expo. This Expo, brought to you by Tiaho Trust and supported by the Northern Advocate and Bupa, is for all members of the community with an interest in health and mobility, seniors and those who want to make the most of living!

Getting Out There – Making the Most of Living Expo will provide an opportunity for the community of people with disabilities, their families, seniors, returned service men & women and healthcare professionals to enhance their knowledge and to explore the latest and greatest products, services, and available resources. A great line up of guest speakers will be speaking on peoples’ rights to participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport and be included in society on an equal basis with others.

If you would like participate in the Expo by showcasing your business or want to know more go to the Getting Out There – Making the most of living Expo go to their website:

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Getting Out There: Making the most of living EXPO flyer pdf 2 MB

Published 14/04/2015