Getting Out There 2015

The 2015 edition of the Getting Out There supplement will be published with the Northern Advocate tomorrow.

Be sure to get your copy of the fourth edition of this handy booklet containing updated information and contacts to help those Northlanders living with impaiment or disabiltiy to locate organisations offering free information, advice and support.

This informational booklet, coming out with the Northern Advocate on Tuesday 28th July 2015, will bring you stories from members of the local community, living with an impairment, who have accessed the services of Northland DIAS Collective organisations.  The stories are written and shared by local people, to inspire you to ‘Get out There and make the most of living’.

You will also find information around support groups and exercise groups to join where you can share great peer support; and find loads of practical information to help with your day to day life.

This is a valuable resource for families, carers or those working with people with impairment to keep on hand and refer to throughout the coming year.

To see previous editions follow the links here:

Getting Out There 2013:

Getting Out There 2014: 

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Getting Out There 2012 pdf 9 MB