Many of you will have seen and still have a copy of the ‘Getting Out There’ supplement that was published with the Northern Advocate and Northland Age in August 2012.
‘Getting Out There’ is a guide to assist and link people, families, carers and those living with disability to services, supports and organisations available in their community that will help them to ‘Get Out There’. It also contains some very informative profiles that share the experiences of some our local residents who are living with an impairment either themselves, or in their families.
This year we are making ‘Getting Out There’ even better by building on the quality and usefulness of this resource.
Last year’s supplement was a great success, providing businesses who advertised the benefit of being part of a resource that people have kept and refer to on an on-going basis, as well as being available in a downloadable format below.
It provides a unique opportunity to promote your business or service in a targeted way to the increasing number of people affected by impairment in Northland.
You can participate by either placing a half page advertisement (which gives you the opportunity to have a half page editorial promoting your services); or you may like to collaborate with another organisation that you have synergies with, to build a page placing quarter page advertisements with an editorial that promotes the services that both your organisations offer.Contact Saffron Offen at Tiaho Trust or Jan Hewitt at the Northern Advocate
Getting Out There 2013: