Disability Information service in Kaitaia

There is a new Disability Information and Advisory Service in Kaitaia.

Disabled people, their whanau, carers and the general community now have access to fourteen specialist disability information and advisory support service providers in the Far North.

Tiaho Trust, in conjunction with Parent to Parent, has contracted Te Runanga O Te Rarawa to establish and deliver a disability information outreach service in Kaitaia.

The outreach service office has been established in the offices of Te Runanga O Te Rarawa at 16 Matthews Avenue, Kaitaia.

It is envisaged that the Kaitaia office will provide a high profile base for Northland’s Disability Information Advisory Service providers.  This will improve the accessibility and utilisation of disability information by both disabled and able bodied people in the Far North.

Having access to Te Runanga O Te Rarawa offices will also provide an opportunity for DIAS providers to come together and share resources including information, knowledge, business functions, training, and support services.

The Northland DIAS Collective will also benefit from the opportunity to work more collaboratively and co-operatively and develop relationships with other organisations in the Far North.

Karen Riwai and Audrey Beazley Somervell are the key contact persons within Te Runanga O Te Rarawa for the disability information service.  You can contact Karen or Audrey on 09 408 0141

Karen says they are looking forward to providing this service to their community in the Far North, walking beside individuals to ensure they make contact with organisations that can further support them.

Published 15/04/2009